Leadership Agility
About This Course
Leadership agility isn’t just another tool for your toolkit. It’s the master competency needed for sustained success in today’s turbulent economy. This book, richly illustrated with real-world examples, shows what leadership agility looks like in action. It will confirm your best instincts and introduce you to new forms of leadership currently practiced by only a small percentage of highly agile leaders. Leadership Agility draws on a strong research base and three decades of experience consulting, coaching, and training leaders in companies based in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Although most of our stories and examples come from the business world, this guide is also designed for managers in the government and nonprofit sectors, in professional firms, in academic and religious institutions, in fact, for anyone interested in developing as a person and becoming a more effective leader. If you’re a leadership development professional, and you sense that our global economy demands new personal capacities as well as new leadership competencies, this book is also for you. It not only provides the first in-depth examination of leadership agility, it also describes five distinct levels that leaders move through as they master this muchneeded competency.1 Strikingly, the research reported in this book indicates that less than 10 percent of managers have mastered the level of agility needed for sustained success in today’s turbulent business environment.